Saturday, 29 May 2010

Appreciative Inquiry

A wise woman mentioned appreciative inquiry to me and I remembered being familiar with AI during some research in my OD course years back. I was curious for a refresher and began to re-familiarize myself.

You can find a definition of AI here.

Essentially, AI is about the search for the best in people, organizations, and the relevant world around us and that all is a part of a living system. There is a belief that every living system had vast untapped capabilities.

If AI involves the art and practice of asking questions that influence the living systems to apprehend anticipate and heighten positive potentials, it therefore has the potential to lead to creativity, innovation, discovery and destiny.

The AI model utilizes a cycle of 4 processes focusing on discovery, dream, design and destiny.

If organizations want to imagine possibilities and potential, coaching needs to be a coherent part of the culture to build a strengths-based organization. I see exploration of strengths, successes, values and hopes as key for organizations to truly transform themselves.

What thoughts surface as you ponder AI and coaching?

Monday, 24 May 2010

Learning & Interviewing

Learning & Interviewing

We have always heard that one of the biggest mistakes is not being prepared for interviews. Interviewing is a skill and with all skills, learning and practice enhance the quality of that skill. Preparation can heavily influence your outcome.

Rather you are an Engagement Partner seeking a new candidate or an employee seeking a new position; I hope this tool supports you in the interviewing process.

Angie Cartwright

Thursday, 20 May 2010

How to Be a True Business Partner

Nigel Harrison is a chartered Business Psychologist and founder of Performance Consulting - UK Ltd. More recently he has published a book “How to be a true Business Partner” which has had a great reception among the audience.

I have been in contact with him to discuss some of the key learning in the book and he has very kindly accepted to provide a session on the main aspects of “How to be a true Business Partner.” This is a great opportunity to hear the author’s views first hand. At the end of the call we will have a Q&A session for those interested in asking any specific questions. This is a closed session with BT employees, please email me should you wish to register if you haven’t already.

For more information on the book please review it on Amazon.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Learning Tools

Sharing learning notes and takeaways from L&D Call- presented by Julie Wedgwood with the The Learning & Skills Group. Hopefully some of you will find some of the links useful and may incorporate in day to day job with presenting, learning, as a subject matter expert, etc.

FREE Polaroid Image Maker-Polaroid Picture sample-can post into word, put up in Website. Notes:Makes amateur photos acceptable, L&D, newsletters, other

FREE Instant Screencasts for Twitter, Record your screencast-

Create a Polaroid, page curl image effect in PPT2007:

FREE automatic photo collage maker-

FREE create your own motivational posters put in text, load in photograph and it creates- easy to create posters

FREE stock photo site:
Pixie is a utility made especially for webmasters and designers. It is a color picker with few extra goodies:

FREE image manipulation programme, can be used for photo retouching, image authoring, image composition, etc:

FREE screen effects for presentations and more:

FREE accessibility tools
Rapid set- good and free helpful for dyslexia- allows individuals to change color, etc.

Big and chunky mouse pointers
mouseketeer - MAC mouse

FREE color schemer generator online
here’s one that matches a palette to a single colour that you enter
Graphics manipulation tool for windows (similar to gimp) ‘IrfanView’ -

FREE virtual magnifying glass, open source screen magnifier:
Do you use music when instructing and presenting, for setting moods, introducing topics, etc. (copyright issues so be aware) Copyright for music: can download must read legal statement on how you can use.

May need a broadcast license- prs-
PRS for music site:

FREE test to movie maker! Make movies FREE! Can use for role play too, script writing and playing, sharing, use for blogs, etc.

Animated sequences and working with case studies, etc. drag and position! Props for learning and case studies, etc.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Pre & Post Training Engagement

Pre & Post Training Engagement with Line Managers

Ask yourself two very important questions:

1) What is your pre-training partnership conversation like prior to agreeing on supporting a learning intervention with an employee?

2) How about your post-training discussion?

Why are these important you ask?

Alot of people believe the critical point in a learning experience is the training experience itself. Guess what, the training event makes a minor contribution; however the BEFORE and AFTER discussions are key to realizing the total value of a learning opportunity.

What is your role as a line manager you ask?

That means significant attention needs to be given by line managers and employees prior to and after.

The pre-training discussion you have ensures the solution is appropriate while you assess their competencies, gaps and strengths. You form a joint understanding of the development needed, agree on an approach.

The post-training junction discussion allows you to discuss the application of newly acquired skills in the workplace. Also, as line managers, you are coaches, mentors, feedback givers and motivators and you are invaluable in ensuring and enhancing learning outcomes.

What is transfer of learning you ask?

Wikipedia definition

Training Transfer Strategies

What tools can you use to support you in post-discussions?
If you would like a copy of a post learning summary document please email me.